Friday 4 May 2018

Along the stations..

The train takes you beyond miles. The passengers around you immerse themselves in chatters, in talks we never know of. You capture a window seat as you always did. Your fingers hold your displaced shawl. Your hairs flow along the rhythm of your heart beats. I know this is a journey away from my existence. I see your cheek inclined to the window and your smiles fading away with each station that passes. I realize this is not what you want. You know this is not what we desired. Yet, you float away, from all the dreams we built in harmony, from a thousand stories we wish to cherish for a lifetime. As you see a few drops hit your window pane, you check for tears, if they had landed on the wrong place. No, the skies have joined us in our agony. It weeps for our parting. It empathizes with the broken souls. Your eyes settle as you bring back fond memories. Your heart fills in as it flies across our favorite terrains. They’re no more the same, you see. They have been destructed beyond repairs, by forces that we never thought of. Realizations occur too late sometimes. At the end of it all, aren’t we the only ones to lose? The naïve and fragile souls that’s embedded in just me and you?

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