Friday 4 May 2018

05-03-17; 10:55 AM

Each time I begin scribbling, in the thought of reaching onto you, I stop midway, pushing myself into a pool of infinite thoughts. Most of them are simply the rushes of the days and nights that we lived in solitude and the refreshing peace, away from the lights and tantrums of the city. This place where I stay now resembles the settling aura of composure which you always longed for. When the clock strikes past 11, as the lights go down from the adjacent rooms, I find it difficult to restrict my thoughts racing past all obstructions. Most often than not, it’s you, the center of my emotional ride inside. This time it is no different. Perhaps, it shouldn’t be different, ain’t it?

There have been scatters of rain last night. A long awaited relief from the scorching heat. Prayers and offerings in the state did not go in vain after all. The foreign visitors here are amazed to have witnessed the drops. They eagerly wait for the further showers. This place has something that isn’t but definitive; some emotions that gets inside us right from the day one of the stay. My treatment is going jovial than expected. I’ve managed to build a rapport with the therapists, junior doctors and the support staff here. They’re more than glad to serve me with all grace. It feels like home; and sometimes, even better.

I’m yet to have my medications for the morning. That can wait, I suppose. This flow in which I type is a rarely met phenomenon. And I want to keep doing it as long as I can. Or rather, until I go drained out. The sound of the keyboard being tapped frequently in a rhythmic speed is an amazement to listen to. Sometimes, my words actually dance to its tunes. And when it stops, the mind goes blank, and pauses for infinite seconds. And when the sound resumes, it is like I start breathing again, after being caught in a dark breathless cave for long. I give out a sigh of relief and type again.

The room beside mine is occupied by a French couple. They seem to be in their late twenties, graciously in love, I must say. There’s no pretention, I watch. There’s no compulsion, I see. We do have conversations once in a while. They love books and when I told them I’ve read Kundera, they were astonished. They were quite generous to introduce me to a couple of wonderful French writers. I think that is where we struck a cord and it’s nice to see them talking without a halt on what they love to do. They love being in Kerala, they tell me. Since the last six years, it’s been a routine, the visit here, they say. I’m more than surprised. My state has a glory indeed. It is just that I don’t identify its true worth. A certain sense of guilt passes through my heart. Faintly, though. But then, what I’m more in awe is the fact that they’re totally into each other. I’m not sure what happens behind closed doors, but on the outside it seems like, they’re the happiest couple on earth. It’s beautiful to watch a man and a woman totally engulfed into each other, more than ever in love; one of the most pleasant sights to look out for.

I can hear the thuds and hush outside. It’s beginning to rain again. What more do I seek for, this precise moment? The drops shall turn heavier before long. And the skies shall grace this place with thunderous showers, I simply hope. I’d want to see it all, the way it gets intense and heavier. And if I’m to sit on this chair any longer, I’m certain that it is not going to be worth it at all. So my dearest, here’s me taking your leave until we meet next. Let me move out of the closed doors and see for myself what the morning has to offer. Wish me luck and write to me at the earliest. For, here’s a heart longing for your words of warmth, since the day it heard your voice for the first time in that cold misty afternoon.


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